Our Clinical Research the CHIMES Trial

About NeuroAiD™

NeuroAiD was first known a Traditional Chinese Medicine drug marketed in China for approved-indication of cerebral infarction’s functional and neurological deficits, i.e. helping patient recover from their disabilities after a stroke.

Clinical Research

We identified in China a promising natural drug known as NeuroAiD internationally for which data from research conducted in China shows a high efficacy in improving stroke rehabilitation, even at a late stage (subjects started treatment 2 weeks to 6 months after their stroke).

CHIMES Protocol

CHIMES protocol was published in march 2009 in the International Journal of Stroke

CHIMES Extension (CHIMES-E) Protocol

The CHIMES-E protocol was published in March 2013 in Cerebrovascular Diseases

CHIMES Imaging (CHIMES-I) Protocol

The CHIMES-I protocol was published in August 2013 in International Journal of Stroke